About Us

Awards and Presentations

Young scientist Award by Indian College of allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology (ICAAAI) in the year 2012 for best research work at ICAAICON – 2012 held at Varanasi from November 2-4, 2012.

Best paper presentation at National conference of Karnataka Association of Community Health at KACHCON – 2013 in Bangalore.

Publications and Books

1. M K Sudarshan, D H Ashwath Narayana, Giriyanna Gowda. A critical appraisal of usage of rabies immunoglobulin in an anti-rabies clinic in India. Association for Prevention and Control of rabies in India(APCRI) Journal. Volume XIII. Issue II. 2012. p11-12.

2. Giriyanna Gowda, ChitraNagaraj, BG Parasuramalu, N Huliraj. Aeroallergen sensitivity among patients suffering from bronchial asthma in Bangalore. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences Oct-Dec 2013;Vol. 2 Issue 4:237-41.

3. Doddabele Hanumanthaiah Ashwath Narayana, Shampur Narayana Madhusudana, Gadey Sampath, Radhe Madhab Tripathy, Mysore Kalappa Sudarshan, Gangaboraiah, Haradanahalli Shankaraiah Ravish, Durga Madhab Satapathy, Giriyanna Gowda, Ramesh Holla, Belludi Yajman Ashwin, Asutosh Padhi, Shamanna Manjula, and Pradip Maganlal Patel. Safety and immunogenicity study of a new purified chick embryo cell rabies vaccine Vaxirab-N (Pitman-Moore strain) manufactured in India. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics January 2014;10:1:2796–2801.

4. T V Sanjay, S G Kishore, Giriyanna Gowda, K Ravi kumar. An evaluation of mass drug administration (MDA) for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Raichur district, Karnataka. Indian J PrevMed 2012;Vol 43. No 2. 197-201.

5. Giriyanna Gowda, S Lakshmi, B G Parasuramalu, C Nagaraj, B V C Gowda, K G Somashekar. A study on allergen sensitivity in patients with allergic rhinitis in Bangalore, India. The journal of laryngology and Otology 2014. 128.892-896.

6. Thittamaranahalli Varadappa Sanjay, Gowda Giriyanna, Shettihalli Gudegowda Kishore. An evaluation of National Anti-malaria Programme in a district of Karnataka, India. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, Volume 4, Supplement 2, September 2014, Pages S595-S598.

7. Giriyanna Gowda, Anagha Manakari Vijayeendra, Nivedita Sarkar, Anwith Huluvadi Shivalingaiah, Ankita Shah, Abhiram Gopal Ashwathnarayana, Huliraj Narayanaswamy1, Chitra Nagaraj. A study on occupational asthma among workers of silk filatures in South India. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - August 2014 - Volume 18 - Issue 2.

8. Soumyadev satpathy, CL Sathish babu, Shilpa Shetty, Mohammed fayaz pasha, Giriyanna Gowda. Titanium hypersensitivity: A clinical study. International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical research January – April 2014; 5(1): 8-11.

9. Giriyanna Gowda, Kulkarni Sridevi, M Madhusudan, Kumar Ravi, Awareness regarding dengue fever among the link workers of urban health centres of Bangalore City- South India Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2015; 5(Suppl 1): 930-932.

Conferences/Training Programmes

1. 45th Annual Conference of Indian College of Allergy, Asthma & Applied Immunology at MGM Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra on 17 -18 December 2011.

2. Wokshop on Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) at Immunology at MGM Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra on 16th December 2011.

3. 8th Biennial Conference of Indian Academy of Allergy, IAACON 2011 held at Bangalore, Karnataka on 12 -14 August 2011.

4. 46thAnnual Conference of Indian College of Allergy, Asthma & Applied Immunology at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh from 2-4th November 2012.

5. World Allergy Organization (WAO) International Scientific Conference at Hyderabad, India from 6-9 th December 2012.

6. 1st National conference of paediatric allergy and applied immunology at Bangalore from 2nd and 3rd March 2013.

7. Attended Allergopharma India Refresher programme as Therapy Expert speaker at Allergopharma, Mumbai, on 14th and 15th October 2013.

8. 4th National level physician training workshop on allergy asthma and applied immunology at Bangalore from 10th -16th August 2014.

9. 16th Joint National conference of National college of chest physicians (NCCP) and Indian chest society (ICS) at Agra, Uttar Pradesh from 20th -23rd November 2014.

Membership in professional bodies

1. Life member - Indian Academy of Allergy (IAA)

2. Life member – Indian college of Allergy asthma and applied Immunology (ICAAI)

3. World Allergy Organization -Junior member

4. Life member – Allergy Asthma Network of India (AANI)

5. Life Member – Indian Public Health Association (IPHA)

6. Life member – Indian Medical Association (IMA)

7. Life Member – Karnataka Association of Community Health (KACH)

8. Life Member – Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India (APCRI)

9. Life member – Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM)

10. Life Member – Indian Association of Occupational Health (IAOH)