Our Services

Consultation for Allergy and Asthma and related disorders

Consultation for people suffering from allergy like sneezing, running nose, nasal block, persistent cough, wheezing, difficulty in breathing/breathlessness, frequent throat clearing, sinusitis(Headache, postnasal drip), redness, watering and Itching of eyes, itching and rashes over body(Hives,) dust allergy, food allergy, drug allergy, insect bite allergy, Anaphylaxis, ( severe allergic reaction) and COPD

Skin Prick Test/Allergy testing

Skin prick test (Allergy testing) is a simple, safe and cost effective test that can identify the causative allergen in patients suffering allergy and results are available immediately.

Immunotherapy/Allergy vaccine

Immunotherapy/Allergy vaccine novel mode of treatment which aims at permanent/long term cure for the allergic disorders, it prevents further progression of the allergy and also development of other allergic disorders in future. It is available in two forms as Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (Allergen shots) and Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT/ drops). SLIT can be taken at home and preferable in children.

Spirometry - Lung(Pulmonary) Function test

It helps to diagnose the asthma in the early stage and other lung diseases and monitor the lung diseases.

Allergy and Asthma Health education

Education on asthma and others allergic disorders is given about its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and its prevention and treatment


Counselling on Immunotherapy, diet, exercise is done here.

Patch testing

Patch testing is done to identify the causative allergen in contact dermatitis like Parthenium dermatitis patients.