Frequently asked questions
What is Allergy?
Allergy is an abnormal reaction to a particle in the environment which enters the body which is usually harmless to normal persons.
Who gets Allergy? Why does one become Allergic?
The cause of allergy induction is genetic predisposition, environment triggers and Life Styles. The genetic background plays a major role. The family history of allergies is significant and popularly known as "Atopic". If both the parents are allergic the chances of induction of allergy to child is 80%. If one of the parent is allergic the chances of allergy to offspring is 40%. Even If none of the parents is allergic, the chances of allergy induction are 20%. Urbanization, industrialization leading pollution and our life style also plays major role in development of allergy
What are symptoms of allergy?
An allergic reaction may occur anywhere in the body, in the nose, sinuses, throat, lungs eyes, skin and intestine?
- Nose-Sneezing, Running nose, nasal block, nasal itching, itching in ears or roof of mouth, Headache and heaviness.(Allergic Rhinosinusitis)
- Lungs-Cough, breathlessness, wheezing chest pain (Asthma)
- Eyes/Allergic conjunctivitis - red, itchy, watery eyes
- Skin- red, itchy, dry skin, hives
- Intestine– pain abdomen, loose stools asthma (airway problems such as shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing)
What causes allergic reactions?
Although hundreds of ordinary substances could trigger allergic reactions, the most common triggers include the following:
Is there any test available for diagnosis of allergy?
Skin Prick Test (SPT) which is simple safe and results are immediately available. It can also be done in children. Blood test - If skin prick test can not be done blood tests are available to identify the causative allergens
What is skin prick test?
This is simple, safe, rapid, reliable, sensitive, specific, results are immediately available and becoming very popular these days. It is considered to gold standard as it mimics natural reaction when person is exposed to allergen.
Is there permanent treatment for allergy?
Yes, Allergy can be cured by Immunotherapy/ Allergy vaccine. It is a specific treatment for the allergen which is causing allergy.
What is Immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy/ allergy vaccine/ allergen desensitization is a technique of treating allergy by treating for particular causative allergen the patient is sensitive/ allergic. It aims at permanent treatment of specific allergy. If it started early it prevents further progression of allergy disease and is more effective. There two types of immunotherapy. One is subcutaneous immunotherapy where allergen is given by injections (allergen shots). Other is sublingual immunotherapy where allergen is given by sublingual drops where treatment can be taken at home and specially useful in children. Immunotherapy has to be taken for a period of time for its beneficial and long lasting effect